Most recent known image of Xuixien Xienxi.
In Character
Background: Like so many of the immortals, Xuixien has a complicated history. Hailing from the Achura homeworld, Xuixien started her capsuleer career as an aspiring industrialist and miner, running her own corporations ([STO1C] and [STOAL]) that boasted almost a hundred pilots and a tidy profit margin during it's peak. It's unclear what made Xuixien leave this corporation and join the Minmatar militia, but what is known is that the earliest seeds of Xuixien's belligerent stance towards other capsuleers were planted during this time. Early in YC114 an influx of miners fleeing the aftermath of a SOV dispute began operating in [STO1C]'s home system of Tsukuras. Almost immediately Xuixien began committing acts of sabotage and theft against these groups, stealing their ore and blowing their barges up when it was legal to do so. After just a few months, Xuixien resigned as CEO and joined the Minmatar militia. Since then, Xuixien's history is one of criminality, industry, and charity, having participated in various non-profit activities such as "PLEX4GOOD" and donating to Sindel Pellion's organization.
Criminal History: Xuixien has an extensive criminal history which mostly involves aggression and fraud against other capsuleers. Xuixien's major exposure to crime came during her time spent in the Minmatar militia, in which she engaged in illegal attacks on miners in CONCORD jurisdictions as well as acts of theft and sabotage against T.R.I.A.D[..T..] and other militia groups on behalf of the Rifterlings[RLING] corporation. Relations between [..T..] and [RLING] improved, and Xuixien eventually left the militia.
Between roughly September.115 and and May.116, Xuixien ran the corporation [AUT5M]. While posing as a legitimate enterprise for the exploration and exploitation of so called "JSpace" systems found beyond wormholes, [AUT5M] was actually a front for a network of thieves, criminals, and terrorists associated with James 315 and his New Order known as the Belligerent Undesirables. [AUT5M] engaged in numerous acts of a particular brand of fraud and theft known as "reverse Awoxing", in which members would join, only to have their assets seized and their pods destroyed by Xuixien and her comrades.
[AUT5M] also abused a loophole in CONCORD's war declaration system, allowing [AUT5M] to file numerous false grievances with other corporations. As a result of these wars, several corporations were forced to close their doors in the face of bankruptcy and insolvency.
While data on Xuixien's recent criminal activity is sparse, it is nonetheless clear that she maintains obvious ties to the remnants of the Belligerent Undesirables and is on friendly terms with the <SAFET> alliance, the most recent iteration of New Order 'enforcers'. More of an opportunist these days, Xuixien is reported to have stolen over 12 billion ISK worth of assets from HiSec moon mining corporations in a string of petty thefts and small heists.
Amarrian Faith: Despite - or perhaps because of - her months of service in the Minmatar Militia, Xuixien has been observed acting as a proponent of the Amarrian religion, although the exact details of her conversion - if any - are unclear. It is entirely possible - though not confirmed - that this may have been part of an abandoned fraudulent enterprise. Xuixien has a much more clearer history of antagonism towards Amarrian loyalists, in particular CVA, although she has spent the past few years living in Amarr space.
"JSpace": Xuixien has spent a considerable portion of time in the uncharted systems beyond wormholes, most notably with the [TDSIN]. She has also served as a combat pilot in smaller, now defunct, wormhole entitites.
Current Affairs: It is rumored that Xuixien may be getting ready to start operations in [redacted]. It has been confirmed, through numerous independent third party sources, that Xuixien is currently active in the Solitude region of Gallente space. Though her role remains unclear, she has been implicated in numerous acts of piracy, espionage, spying, information brokering, and, surprisingly, peacemaking and the engineering of various treaties and alliances. She has reuinted with former comrades from [TDSIN], though seems to be maintaining her independence at the moment.
Rumors persist that Xuixien has been funding a massive scientific research enterprise involving DNA tracing among the baseline population. Nothing more is known.
can you make the font bigger? some of us are old