
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Life in Solitude: Week Five

Money Stuff

Not much to report on in this front. I've been trying out the new gas sites. Yes, the gas is lucrative, but it's also very high volume, so moving it is a pain. I think 1 DST load was only worth about 250m. The value will only continue to drop as more people begin to edge in on this niche. Right now there is slightly more demand than supply as indicated by the volume of buy vs sell orders. What this basically means is that people are not posting enough sell orders or dropping into buy orders to keep up with the demand. This drives prices up, as people become more willing to pay more for a scarce commodity. But this won't last; it's a bit of a bubble. Eventually the price is going to rationalize, probably somewhere around 10-15k/unit given the availability of the gas sites and the low barrier to entry.

I have way too much raw material and not much to do with it right now:

And the final tally on what I was able to build before the update. I really wish I'd built more Nestors and Rattlesnakes, but c'est la vie:

Note: There's still time to buy your deadnaughts and carriers before the prices start to climb. But don't wait too long.

Changes to Expect: Now that the industry changes have gone live, here are some changes I think we can expect to see:

  1. The price of T1 ships sized frigate to battlecruiser will not only drop, but normalize. The differences in prices will be due only to demand for the hulls, and not build price.
  2. Consequent with their reduction or outright removal from many build recipes, the price of Nocxium, Zydrine, and Megacyte will also drop. Tritanium may take a small dip. Mexallon and Pyerite should remain somewhat stable relatively speaking. This is long-term; right now the market is still rationalizing.
  3. LowSec ores will still be valuable, and with the new gas and exploration sites, expect to see an increase in traffic.
  4. Battleships will go up in value. Current build cost (at current material prices) is about 450-500m. This will descend and probably settle around 350m.
  5. Capitals currently cost about 18-24b to produce. These prices will drop, but don't expect dreads to drop below 10b production costs anytime soon - if ever (this is, of course, dependent on the supply of raw materials and bottlenecking).
  6. Pirate hulls will be dramatically more expensive. Current build price for Rattlesnake is 2.1b. This will probably drop to about 1.5b.
  7. Navy hulls might go up a bit, but not a whole lot due to their availability from FW.
  8. Ice products (including fuel blocks) and PI will probably go up in value. Commodities that depend on these resources will also increase in cost.

 Conflict Updates

The conflict with <STFU> is going very well. Ninja mining operations continue and total 1.5b in R64's. At this point it's not even mining moonpixels, it's mining tears and frustration. More and more people are coming to the cause (apparently people really dislike some dude named "Red Kardia") and there are some big surprises in store. Intel leaks are now coming increasingly from within <STFU> proper:

Cracks are starting to form. Membership is unhappy about not being able to go out and mine or run combat sites. Allies are also becoming disillusioned with <STFU>. They know about the AWOXing and the past betrayals. They're tired of the conflict and wars. It's not just because of me, either; the 'coalition' channel continues to increase in participants. There are a lot of hunters, and prey has begun to dry up. Word on the street is that <STFU> begged <SPORK> to renew their NAP after getting their faces melted. Who knows how long before <STFU> gets cocky and has another go? Should be interesting.

In total I have directly destroyed 5.03 billion ISK worth of <STFU> assets, and my actions have led to a further 1.5b in losses (stream sniping, which makes me sad - leave the moonkrabs alone guys!). This might not seem like a lot, but considering this is the tally of one person, and inflicted almost entirely on their money making assets, it's significant - especially in light of their 250b loss in Aeter. They say this isn't having an effect on them, but I know what the ore anoms are worth and how much ISK is in their moon pulls. They are not recouping their losses, not by a long shot.

[QUOKA] corp is currently set up for a fail cascade. They can't get anything done unless they have 30 people online, which they usually don't, and even then it only takes some light bomber harassment before they run out of patience and log. Last night I warped to an ice belt where about 8 of them were mining. As I landed they all warped to station and logged off. My friend reported that [QUOKA] pilots 2 jumps out also logged shortly after.

Due to the fact that <STFU> now stays largely docked/runs away when I'm around, there's not a whole lot to report other than what I've already mentioned.

Some notable kills from this week:

The Vedmak was taken on kill rights, the result of some unfortunate and premature smartbombing. The Leshak was CONCORDed when he did the same (and has subsequently granted me yet more kill rights). About 300m dropped, but unfortunately I had to pop the wreck. In total, <STFU> has lost 1.3 billion ISK simply reinforcing an empty, unfitted Athanor in HiSec.

The Salt Bin

I normally don't post a lot of salt. But I know there are a few people from Belligerent Undesirables and Safety. who read this blog so I figured I'd indulge them a bit. Generally the smack talk around here isn't that interesting. A lot of gloating over killing a T1 Catalyst and much hurfablurf about how I'm "having no effect on the alliance" - after docking up for hours when I enter Local. But nonetheless, here's something for those who prefer a more bitter cuisine:

 Oof, and people tell me I'm toxic.

As an absolutely shit-tier multiboxer, this really warms my heart. I don't think I've ever been reported for something in-game, at least as far as I know. And to be reported for input broadcasting, while I alt-tab at a snail's pace, after killing a single Retriever. Glorious. Absolutely glorious.

I really hope <STFU> and Co never leave Solitude. I don't know what I would do without them. Make ISK? Bah! This is so much more entertaining. ^-^ Stay tuned for some big surprises if people come through on their plans.

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