
Thursday, September 2, 2021

Life in Solitude: Of Narratives and Ego

After living in Solitude for a few months now, I've come to a conclusion: Solitude is the dumping ground for EVE Online's rejects. Don't get me wrong; I've met many cool people out here, and made lasting friendships. Not everyone out here is a loser. But Solitude seems to attract a certain subset of players who, due to maturity issues, have trouble making friends in the game, and thus can't "make it" elsewhere. What these people have in common are three toxic qualities: entitlement, fragile ego, and a victim mindset. Remember Cryin' Andy? He was a prime example. He felt he was entitled to do whatever he wanted without consequences (which he saw as "injustices"), and had a huge (but fragile) ego. When he couldn't get his way, he spent months whining to anyone who would listen about how awful I am, and how "something needs to be done about Xui!". This pattern is repeating with another manchild, LordofReclamationaxios Auxanos, henceforth known as Lord Ghetto.

I am somewhat reluctant to write this blog entry because of one simple fact: Lord Ghetto's single driving motivation is to insert himself into everything, and to accrue attention and clout to himself. He's little people, trying desperately to make a name for himself and be a "somebody". Writing this blog is giving Lord Ghetto attention he doesn't deserve, because he hasn't earned it. At the same time, to not write this blog would be to engage in a form of deceit - a lie of omission - and if there's one thing in this world I hate, it's falsehood.

The tale of Lord Ghetto is a long and convoluted one that, to be honest, I haven't paid much attention to because, until recently, he has been completely irrelevant, except as a source of salt. LG first came onto my radar shortly after <STFU> began to leave Solitude. He convo'd me one day on one of his many shady alt characters, "Inquisitor Du Lorraine", talking about how his group has "operated in the background of Solitude for years" but were forced out by <STFU>. The problem with this narrative is that none of my contacts - who have verifiably lived in Solitude for years - can seem to to remember anything about him or his group. Browsing killboard histories also reveals that his characters haven't been active in Solitude - at all - until very recently.

So I knew he was lying.

Shortly after our conversation, a friend of his - Shaun Rinah - was "on assignment" trying to gather intel on Solar Winds (in a very clumsy way, I might add - he was immediately reported to me by everyone he spoke to). When I confronted LG, he denied it and became angry, stating that Shaun wasn't his pilot and had been kicked from cop. This was plausible (at the time), but Lord Ghetto's defensive and hostile reaction pretty much gave away the game - something was up, and I didn't trust him. 

Poor victim. :(

People will do this sort of thing to throw you off the scent. They'll act shady, and when you confront them, they'll play victim so you feel bad and drop the subject. "How dare you impugn my character! I am so insulted now! How dare you accuse me!" Most people are too nice to push the matter, which allows shady individuals to keep hiding. But this doesn't work on me - since I'm not a nice guy. I've dealt with ghetto people a lot in my life - it's all show, and no substance. All facade. Oh, and by the way: if you look up Shaun's character today:


you'll see he's back in Shadows of Solitude. Checking his employment history reveals that Shaun's obviously flown with Lord Ghetto for a while. So my instincts were right: Shaun was acting as LG's eyes and ears, affording LG "plausible deniability" with the "rogue pilot" narrative.

In response to his dishonesty and shadiness - and also, his threatening my (then) blues, GSC - I told him that I was setting his organization red and would adopt a hostile stance towards him. His response was "if that's how you do business, kick rocks". The translation: "fuck you for being smarter than me!" A pattern was already emerging: whatever happens in Lord Ghetto's little world, the onus is always on someone else if it doesn't work out for him.

The months since have been fairly uneventful. I gank <SOS> members a bit, they chase me around and get mad when they can't catch me. Ghetto would run away, wait for friends to show up, and then talk smack that I wouldn't fight 2 Lokis and a Bellicose with my Hecate. But then he'd also talk smack if I had a friend with me, you know, because that meant I was "too pussy" to fight him alone - while he was hiding behind friends. You know, typical low class chest-beating ghetto behavior.

His anger has been mounting more and more the past few weeks. I had the pleasure of listening to a 20 minute rant over one of his alliance mates' Twitch streams. The tears were delicious and sustaining. So was his racism - repeatedly calling me "Jao" despite my multiple corrections.

Here's a few more snippets of his low class, inglorious ghetto conduct:

Lord Ghetto is one of those people who thinks it's a "lifestyle choice" to be gay, because of course God would never "make anyone" be "born that way". He also doesn't seem to like people suffering from gender dysphoria or who dress in gender noncomforming ways. I wonder: has Ghetto ever had the insight to ask himself whether his attraction to women is a "lifestyle choice"? The science here is conclusive: attraction is not a choice. It's hardwired from birth. There's some evidence that female sexuality is more flexible, but not much. Dealing with the undereducated is ... frustrating. I can't really blame Ghetto for this. He probably didn't have access to good schools growing up.

Like Cryin' Andy, Lord Ghetto became increasingly frustrated with the situation, and started to whine in people's ears about me. He ran around telling people that I'm "racist", that I'm a "nazi", and a "tyrant". That I don't like him because we're "in competition" to grow our corporations, or something. He whined to <WHBOO>, and when <WHBOO> refused to cut ties with me, Lord Ghetto tried to foment a "revolution" against them. He couldn't get his way, so that makes <WHBOO> the "bad guys". He tried to spin a narrative that <WHBOO>, who are my dear friends precisely because they're righteous, are tyrants who are "oppressing the people of Solitude". It's all a rather ironic display of projection and gaslighting.

It's all narrative and facade.

Tensions between <SOS> and <WHBOO> finally came to a head when Lord Ghetto warped a neutral character - his before mentioned alt, "Inquisitor Du Lorraine" - onto a <WHBOO> mining fleet. He was, obviously, engaged and forced off grid. No ships were lost, but he used this is a pretense to attack <WHBOO> miners the next day on one of his "main" characters (the "Lordof" series). Again, no miners were lost, and he was immediately chased and forced to dock for 45 minutes. The narrative he tried to spin was that <WHBOO> shot a friendly, so he was just retaliating.

See how that trick works? He stirs up shit - and then plays righteous victim. Everyone else is always the bad guy, and he is always innocent - no matter what. It's a trait of narcissists, antisocial people, and psychopaths. Or, as mentioned before, just low class, shabby ghetto types. It's how they weasel out of the consequences of their bad behavior. Many people fall for it.

Not this time.

He was talking about resetting <WHBOO> just days before manufacturing an "incident". Right. It's too bad that HR doesn't understand one thing: I have eyes everywhere, even within his very alliance. The jig was up.

So when <SOS> and their friends, Psychotic Confederacy, began shooting <WHBOO> structures, <SOS>'s own Athanor was quickly scouted and reinforced. <WHBOO> formed for the armor timer, and none of Lord Ghetto's allies showed up to help defend. <SOS> tried to spin the narrative that <WHBOO> is "picking on them" and "won't fight them in honorable and fair 1v1". Always the victims! Lord Ghetto quickly realized that he made a huge mistake - the horde of allies he thought would rally to his cause weren't interested - they weren't buying the narrative anymore - and LG weaseled out of it, issuing a surrender and asking to reblue <WHBOO> and be left alone, stating that it was "all a misunderstanding": he simply thought [SW-SS] and [UL0ST] were "alt corps" of <WHBOO>.

So what was the conclusion?

<WHBOO> felt that Lord Ghetto had been sufficiently spanked, and accepted the surrender. He knows that if he fucks with <WHBOO>, the hammer is gonna drop on him.

But there's one thing LG forgot:

He forgot to make peace with me

And he also forgot that actions have consequences:



In a way, I've done Lord Ghetto a huge service. Lord Ghetto strikes me as the soft, pampered type who has been allowed to avoid the consequences for his shabby behavior. Last night he learned a valuable, important lesson: that everything you do (or don't do) has an outcome, and that you might not always like that outcome. There is a way of being in the world that maximizes your chances of favorable outcomes (but only maximizes; nothing is ever promised in life). Hopefully, with the right amount of pushing, LG will make it there.

Either way, thanks for all the salvage and fuel blocks. They will be put to good use.

Until next time, dear readers, this is Space Cat signing off.

Fly fearless. o/

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