Installment One

The Crown is no place for dumpster bugs.
When last we met - over a year ago now - I was taking a bit of a vacation from Solitude, zipping around the Tash-Murkon/Domain area of Amarr space. Solitude had just gotten a bit boring. I had no enemies left: <STFU> was gone. Cryin' Andy realized that if he stayed in The Crown, his corp would eventually die under the pressure of my constant, watchful eyes and piles of Catalysts - so he moved [QUOKA] out. Sadrick miscalculated in a major way, turning everyone in Solitude against <GSC>/N.E.S.T. and causing the complete destruction of the organization (the remnants hang around Boystin and some have joined a new group called The-Expanse - more on them in a later installment). Martin Twotongues overplayed his hand and was promptly removed from the region, and his organization eventually closed. He's now a line member of the Science and Trade Institute, where he has been employed for the past 9 months. After 10 years of trying to build his organization up, he is no more. Solitude really is the place where alliances go to die...
No one was left. The Crown was peaceful, filled with the daily hustle and bustle of blues. As time went on, The Crown came alive again with the activity of friendly faces and people going about their peaceful, daily lives. It was idyllic. We had occasional problems from Intergalactic Space Hobos <.BUMS>, henceforth known as <DUMPY>, and Dishwater Alliance. But for the most part it was quiet and therefore boring. Alas, a vacation to Amarr space proved ineffective in curing my EVE doldrums so I took a break from the game.
I returned to the game in the midst of a move op. While I was away, Solitude had largely been glassed. Nothing was left, not even the Fortizar in Anckee. That Fortizar, one of the oldest in the game, was gone. The people attacking had no respect for the history of Solitude, because they are just trashy, low class people.
I never expected <WHBOO> to remain in Solitude forever. I had arranged for them to fill the power vacuum left by <STFU> and exploit the region in order to rebuild and grow after their recent spats of tough luck. And after a bit of a bumpy start, rebuild and grow they have. My work was done. <WHBOO>'s recent eviction from Solitude was just the spark they needed to spring them from the stagnation they were starting to be lulled into. I still retain my membership and will fly with them as much as possible, but for now I am content to remain in The Crown and enforce my dominion over the constellation.
March of the <DUMPY> Cockroaches
Nature abhors a vacuum, and so it came as no surprise that vultures would begin descending upon Solitude to take advantage of the new void left. And as far as I'm concerned, that's okay. I retired from the geopolitical game long ago, and am no longer interested in the quibbling and squabbling of the folks who live south of Ratillose. The Crown is my home, and that is where I shall stay.
I logged in one day, and noticed a new blue chevron in Eggheron. Actually, there were a few new blue chevrons. Now, normally this isn't a huge problem. Every so often someone anchors an Athanor in The Crown, and begins extraction. When this happens I just mine it. And why not? It's mine anyway. In the past I would have ganked them, but these days I just take the ore. Sometimes the owners bug me for taxes, and I have to explain to them that I own The Crown and will mine whatever I want, and if anything I should be charging them taxes. If they don't like it, they can take down their Athanor and move somewhere else. Sometimes they do, but other times they get mouthy and have to be set straight with some Void S. Either way is fine with me.
But you see, this Athanor was different. This was a <DUMPY> Athanor. And you see, <DUMPY> is not welcome. They had already tried to place an Athanor in Straloin, but <WHBOO> blew it up. I told them they wouldn't be able to mine it, and they laughed at me, and then it exploded. Now they were trying again, in Eggheron, thinking they were safe in HiSec.
They thought wrong. They will never be set blue to Solar Winds or any of it's associated entities, and they will never be allowed to operate peacefully in The Crown. Or any other part of Solitude in which I find them.
I reached out to them in Local to explain the situation, and was met with the usual dismissive and trolly comments. So naturally when they started mining, I did my thing and ate some content cookies:
Usually this is enough to open diplomatic discussion or gain a quick capitulation. But cockroaches are stubborn. The usual banter followed in Local. Y'know the old story, "bla bla bla. bla bla bla bla bla. bla bla. :reversepsychology: etcetc bla bla bla".
Clearly this is like, 1-2 guys on alts:
Not too good. You see, Procurers, even fully tanked, are actually not invincible. And while many gankers would pass up a Procurer due to the higher cost of ganking them, I do not. Because it's not about the money.
It's about sending a message.
And that message is this: You're not welcome, and we will attack and grief you on a daily basis until you leave. There will be no negotiation. Message sent.
Some more chestbeating in Local followed after the message was received:
Okay, bring more Procurers. They will just die again.
And some more:
This "Indie Rockwell" guy sure is mad. Seethingly mad. People who take honorabru space Bushido seriously tend to be somewhat... emotionally fragile... when they feel people aren't playing the game by their rules.
But I don't play the game by anyone's rules.
They play the game by mine. And here's the proof:
How did more tank work out? Well...
It didn't.
I was on my way back to gank the second Procurer that was mining next to Kerzzit, when I saw the most beautiful site.
That looks like the start of an old joke. How many <DUMPY> cockroaches does it take to run two mining lasers? Well in this case the answer is 4, because they are so, so scared of the guy who apparently isn't scary at all:
I was setting up for the gank, curious to see if it would work, but as soon as my Catalysts entered system, the fleet promptly warped to their Athanor and docked up. They were "going to bed", but stayed around for another 20 minutes before logging.
And so ends installment one of the <DUMPY> series. Hopefully these clowns hang around for a while. It's been so dreadfully boring, and their intransigence is stimulating. I love breaking my enemies, and the longer it takes the more satisfying it is.
Until next time. (We may just see the return of an old friend who may be hiding in the shadows of Solitude).
so glad to see you back! we’re currently taking bets on how long hobos will last. have already noticed fewer of them around.
ReplyDeleteLets make sure we add the battle reports to this shitty blog!
Another Win for the Rockwells and the #Bums
ReplyDeleteImagine being so sad that you delete any comments that are negative... yikes
ReplyDeleteHello Ahban. Your comments are still there. They haven't been deleted. You were just on the wrong browser tab. ^-^