<STFU> 2.0
I was really confused when [QUOKA] joined <STFU>. But now it makes sense: birds of a feather flock together. <STFU> was sensitive, held grudges, took things personal, and backstabbed people. Andiedeath is also sensitive, holds grudges, takes things personal, and backstabs people: At approximately 0800 EST on 07/11/2021, a gang of [QUOKA] Sacrileges and Guardians warped to <GSC> structures in LowSec. The [QUOKA] ships tethered upon exiting warp, because <GSC> and [QUOKA] are blue. Or least, they were blue. That is no longer the case since, after sitting in tether for all of 20 seconds, the [QUOKA] fleet promptly opened fire and began reinforcing structures.
Why? Because - as mentioned in UPDATE 07/10/2021 - Andiedeath is butthurt about the fact that [SW-TC] and <GSC> are on friendly terms, and generally get along. Andiedeath can't figure out how to get along with people in Solitude, so like the loser in highschool who had no friends, he spitefully lashes out at others. He tried to turn <WHBOO> and <GSC> against us, but failed. As a result, he is now throwing a temper tantrum and trying to break other people's toys. He's also being a Cyin' Andy.
Cryin' Andy: noun.
- Someone who reports and/or threatens to report you for beating them at a computer game.
I've recently become the target of a Cryin' Andy. A Cryin' Andy is someone who reports you and/or threatens to report you when you pwn them at a video game. They can't beat you in-game, so they try to get you banned or suspended. This Cryin' Andy recently targeted my social media and said that he would have his corporation mass report me for EULA violations if I wrote another post about what's going on in our part of Solitude or said "mean things" in Local. To top it off, this Cryin' Andy didn't even have the sand to say this to me directly, because he blocked me in a fit of rage when he couldn't have his way at the diplomatic table (what bad form, really). Instead, he's going behind my back and trying to rally our friends against us.
UPDATE 07/10/2021: So this Cryin' Andy, - Andiedeath, the CEO of We Aim to MisBehave [QUOKA] - has not only been threatening to report me to CCP, but is also whining to other groups in Solitude and threatening to shoot them if they let us dock in their structures. Leadership from one of these groups reached out to me with concerns about my "trolling". Posted with permission:
There's Cryin' Andy, being a Cryin' Andy.
I actually haven't been contacted by CCP over anything related to you.
Naturally I filed a petition to let the GMs know about the situation with the threats of mass petitioning. I linked my blog, and said I'm happy to remove/alter anything that violates the EULA. CCP's response was very clear: since the threat was made outside of the game, there's nothing they can do at this time. At the same time, since my blog is outside the game, there's nothing they could do if Cryin' Andy did have his corp report me because an entry hurt their feewings. But it's nice to at least have the documentation there, complete with relevant screenshots, and here's why:
Toxic and abusive people will often use authorities as weapons. They will threaten to call the police or file false petitions against you when you've done nothing wrong. It is a pathetic move, born out of cowardice, spite, and feelings of powerlessness. It's a bully tactic; a power move by proxy in order to get their way. It's the tactic of babies. They can't get their way on their own, so they call in Mummy to do it for them. The appropriate response to this is to report it to the authorities each time it happens. This creates a history of documentation that evinces the fact that you're the one being harassed. Also, most of the time, filing false reports/petitions is itself a violation. Prior documentation serve to buttress your position that said report/petition is in fact malicious and not legitimate.
PvPing isn't harassment. Light smack talk isn't harassment. Threatening to have your whole corp report someone's blog cuz you suck at the game is. Don't be a Cryin' Andy: take your L's with grace and get better.
So don't worry, beloved readers. I will continue to deliver updates on the 'situation' in The Crown - when there's actually updates to deliver. Things are pretty quiet now. We're at a point where all I have to do is say "nice Porpoise" in Local and watch DScan empty as everyone rushes to dock up. Which is exactly how I want it to be.
Upate 07/11/2021: The Salt Bin
I log in and mosey on over to Straloin. Big mining op! Lots of Covetors and Procurers. As I'm getting my Catalysts ready for some fun, they start docking up and logging off. How typical! Some delicious salt began to poor through Local:
Jeez this is confusing. Have I been petitioned, or not? Cryin' Andy says they've been petitioning me, but now they're saying in Local that "no one" has petitioned me - but also "hehe what happened to ur reddit accnt lol winkwink". So confusing. That's what happens when you have a disorganized and uncoordinated mess of a corporation: line members can't get their narrative straight and it just becomes one gigantic running joke. It also seems that Andiedeath has been gaslighting his corporation and saying that all the screenshots I've posted have been fake. But they're not, and I'm more than happy to share my screen, live, over Discord to prove it.
Downtime interrupted the festivities. Shortly afterward, [QUOKA] formed a modestly sized gang of Sacrileges and Guardians and went to reinforce some of <GSC>'s structures because Cyin' Andy was mad about this blog post. While I feel bad that Cryin' Andy's childish drama has spilled over to our allies, this is actually rather fortunate: [QUOKA] just made a huge mistake - the same sort of mistake that <STFU> made repeatedly - that will dramatically reduce their longevity in Solitude. At this point I don't even have to do anything myself.
Until next time. o/
these people sound butthurt and toxic af
ReplyDeleteTBH he really is. He couldn't get his way and now he's having his corp mass petition me (still not banned), and he's pestering our blues and trying to whisper in people's ear about us. None of it is working. He's really, really frustrated and demoralized and to make it all go away literally all he has to do is swallow his pride ... and move to Placid or something.